Lectures– PowerPoint presentations– Lecture materials will be made available on the web.
Full class meets 3 times per week in WLH 2005Full class meets 3 times per week in WLH 2005– MWF 2:00–2:50 PM.Subatomic particles, fundamental forces5.5.Exposing the limits of our understandingExposing the limits of our understanding– Complexity: chaos, biological systems, economics– Unification schemes: string theory, supersymmetry6.6.Enhance your scientific literacyEnhance your scientific literacy– know the difference between science and the supernatural– feel encouraged to read popular science articles/booksIntro to Physics March 31, 2008Lecture 1 2Spring 2008 5UCSDPhysics 10Course StructureCourse Structure.Cosmological scales: clustering, accelerating Universe– The microcosmos.Gravitation and General Relativity as a case study– Empiricism & Skepticism– Quantitative ModelsSpring 2008 3UCSDPhysics 10Course Objectives, continuedCourse Objectives, continued2.2.Appreciate the influence physics has on us allAppreciate the influence physics has on us all– Begin to see physics in the world around you– Develop your natural intuition, stimulate curiosity– Think into the unknown (ooh that’s scary!)3.3.Understand basic laws of physicsUnderstand basic laws of physics– Newton’s laws of motion, gravitation (even relativity)– Concepts of mass, force, acceleration, energy,momentum, power, etc.– Electromagnetism– Quantum Mechanics– Light and opticsSpring 2008 4UCSDPhysics 10Course Objectives, continuedCourse Objectives, continued4.4.Map out the hierarchy of the UniverseMap out the hierarchy of the Universe– The cosmos.It covers the electric field, Gauss's law, electric potential, capacitance, DC circuits, RC circuits, magnetic field, Faraday's law, inductance, LR circuits, AC circuits, and Maxwell's equations.Intro to Physics March 31, 2008Lecture 1 1UCSDPhysics 10Physics 10: Concepts in PhysicsPhysics 10: Concepts in PhysicsThe Rules of the UniverseThe Rules of the UniverseTom MurphyTom MurphyNewton EinsteinSpring 2008 2UCSDPhysics 10Course ObjectivesCourse Objectives1.1.Explore the approach that physics brings to bearExplore the approach that physics brings to bearon the world around uson the world around us– Reductionism– Scientific Method This course is the second section of General Physics I, also typically required by physics and engineering programs. This calculus-based course covers kinematics, Newton's laws, energy, momentum, rotational motion, and oscillations. Sometimes referred to as "University Physics" in other universities, PHY 107 is typically required by physics and engineering programs. It covers electricity and magnetism, light, optics, and modern physics. This course is the second section of College Physics I, also required by health related majors and some science and other programs. It covers mechanics, heat, waves, and sound. This algebra-based course is required by health-related majors and some science and other programs (not including Physics). The algebra portion is tested, and optional material on calculus and its application to physics problems is included, though not tested on, with the intention of providing thorough assistance to students who will take calculus-based General Physics. This course is intended to places struggling students on an even playing field with their peers who possess stronger math backgrounds.

This course offers a preparation in math and application of math to physics problems, skills critical to success in introductory physics courses. Students who struggle with College Physics (algebra-based) and General Physics (calculus-based) typically have difficulty with the mathematics portion and/or applying math to physics concepts. Exams may be taken either at UB, or at scheduled times at testing centers at colleges and universities elsewhere. All homework assignments are completed and submitted online. Both recitation and office hours are online and interactive. Lecture videos may be viewed at any time. The labs associated with the courses are separate courses these are not offered online, only during the fall and spring semesters and on campus in the summer semester. Summer and winter classes differ from other semesters in the number of mid-term exams: Two for summer courses and one for winter courses. All exams are proctored, both on campus and elsewhere, and are treated exactly the same – in terms of transcript and transferring credits to other schools – as their counterparts during the regular semester. The content and structure are similar to standard classes, but the lectures are in the form of recorded videos and interactive online recitations. The Department of Physics offers five online classes during the summer and winter breaks.